Verbs with stem-changes in the present tense also have stem changes in the present subjunctive. Some important things to notice:
-AR and -ER
verbs have stem changes in all the forms except the nosotros and the vosotros
-IR verbs change their stems in all the forms (yo, tú, él/ella/Ud, nosotros(as),
vosotros(as), ellos/ellas/Uds.); however, they do it differently.
These stem change takes place on the vowel
next to the last syllable.
All the stem changing verbs, when conjugated, have the same endings as the regular subjunctive
verbs do.
Verbs that change from E to IE:
Cerrar (to close) Present
subjunctive Yo cierre Tú cierres Él/ella/Ud. cierre
Empezar* (to begin/start) Present subjunctive Yo empiece Tú empieces Él/ella/Ud.
Present tense: cierro
cerremos Vosotros(as) cerréis Ellos/ellas/Uds. cierren
Present tense: empiezo
Nosotros(as) empecemos Vosotros(as) empecéis Ellos/ellas/Uds. empiecen
*Empezar has not only a stem change, but it is also a verb that ends
in -ZAR; therefore, the Z changes to C when it is conjugated in the present
subjunctive. The same rule applies for Comenzar (to star/to begin).
More verbs that
change from E to IE Despertar(se) (to wake up/to arouse), entender
(to understand), merendar (to eat snack), perder (to lose/to miss), pensar (to think),
querer (to want/to love), sentarse (to seat/to sit).
Verbs that change
from O to UE
Volver (to go back/to return) Present
subjunctive: Yo vuelva Tú vuelvas Él/ella/Ud. vuelva
Contar (to tell/to count) Present subjunctive: Yo cuente Tú cuentes Él/ella/Ud. cuente
Present tense: vuelvo
volvamos Vosotros(as) volváis Ellos/ellas/Uds. vuelvan
Present tense: cuento
Nosotros(as) contemos Vosotros(as) contéis Ellos/ellas/Uds. cuenten
More verbs that change from O to UE: Acostar(se) (to lie down/to go to bed), almorzar (to have lunch), costar (to cost), devolver
(to return/to refund), encontrar (to find/to meet), poder (to be able to/ can), probar(se) (to
try on), recordar (to remember/to remind), resolver (to solve/to resolve).
that change from U to UE: **Jugar has not only a stem change, but it is also a verb that ends in -GAR;
therefore, the G changes to GU to keep the pronunciation when conjugated in present subjunctive.
Jugar** (to play game or sport) Present subjunctive: Yo juegue Tú juegues Él/ella/Ud. juegue
Present tense: juego
juguemos Vosotros(as) juguéis Ellos/ellas/Uds. jueguen
Verbs that change from O to UE and U:
Notice that
nosotros and vosotros forms change from O to U
Dormir (to sleep) Present
subjunctive: Yo duerma Tú duermas Él/ella/Ud. duerma
Morir (to die) Present subjunctive: Yo muera Tú mueras Él/ella/Ud. muera
Present tense: duermo
durmamos Vosotros(as) durmáis Ellos/ellas/Uds. duerman
Present tense: muero
Nosotros(as) muramos Vosotros(as) muráis Ellos/ellas/Uds. mueran
Verbs that change from E to I:
The stem changes happen in all forms of the subjunctive including nosotros and vosotros.
Servir: to serve Present
subjunctive: Yo sirva Tú sirvas Él/ella/Ud. sirva
Pedir: to ask for Present subjunctive: Yo pida Tú pidas Él/ella/Ud.
Present tense: sirvo
sirvamos Vosotros(as) sirváis Ellos/ellas/Uds. sirvan
Present tense: pido
Nosotros(as) pidamos Vosotros(as) pidáis Ellos/ellas/Uds. pidan
More verbs that change from E to
I: Conseguir (to get/to achieve), reir(se) (to laugh), repetir (to repeat), seguir
(to follow/to continue), vestir (to dress/to wear).
Verbs that change from E to IE
and I
Notice that nosotros and vosotros forms change for E to I.
Preferir: to prefer Present
subjunctive: Yo prefiera Tú prefieras Él/ella/Ud. prefiera
Sentir: to feel Present subjunctive: Yo sienta Tú sientas Él/ella/Ud.
Present tense: prefiero
prefiramos Vosotros(as) prefiráis Ellos/ellas/Uds. prefieran
Present tense: siento
Nosotros(as) sintamos Vosotros(as) sintáis Ellos/ellas/Uds. sientan
More verbs that change form E to IE
and I: Divertirse (to enjoy oneself), mentir (to lie).