You use definite articles when referring to a definite or specific
person or thing.
Definite articles (the in English) come before a noun.
El is used before a masculine and singular noun.
El chico the boy
La is used before a feminine
and singular noun. Ex:
La camisa the shirt
Los is used before a masculine and plural noun. Ex:
Los chicos the boys
Las is used before a feminine and plural noun. Ex:
Las camisas the shirts
You use indefinite articles when speaking about a non-specific person or thing. Un and Una
mean a or an.
Unos and Unas mean some
or a few.
Un is used before a masculine
and singular noun. Ex:
Un chico a boy
Una is used before a feminine and singular noun. Ex:
Una camisa a shirt
Unos is used before a masculine and plural noun. Ex:
Unos chicos some boys
Unas is used before a feminine and plural noun. Ex:
Unas camisas
some shirts